Semester I |
Semester I Core Course |
SL.No |
Course/paper Title |
Code no |
Course Out Come |
1. |
Introduction to Social Work |
101 |
- To understand the basic concepts of social work;
- To give an overview of history of social work; and
- To provide orientation about professional social work.
2. |
Understanding Society and Social Sciences Perspective |
102 |
- To understand and develop insight about sociological concepts for social work education and practice; and
- To inculcate skills among students to understand and analyze social structure and social systems.
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) |
3. |
English /MIL Communication |
103 |
- To help students to comprehend fairly the daily lessons and to express their ideas clearly and confidently in oral and written forms;
- To equip students to communicate effectively at the interpersonal level involving social, business and official context; and
- To train up students to bloom into creative writers.
Elective: Generic(GE-1) Any one of the following: |
4. |
Skills and Techniques in Field Work and Concerns of North East India |
104: |
- To add value in strengthening knowledge and skills, bringing uniformity and high quality standards in practice learning;
- To build confidence and develop aptitude and attitudinal base of the students; and
- To develop sensitivity towards self-awareness, self-development, goal setting and time management.
5. |
Rural and Urban Community Development |
105 |
- To understand the approaches for rural development;
- To appreciate the role of various stakeholders of rural development;
- To develop skills in working with rural communities and for development agencies;
- To understand urban community development principles, process and theories of urbanization in India; and
- To learn the significance of Civil society Organisations in Urban Community Development.
Social Work Practicum |
6. |
Concurrent Field Work – I/Viva- Voce |
106 |
- To introduce the trainee Social Work students to the different fields of Social Work, and different kinds of agencies and organisations present in the state.
- To help the trainee Social Work students understand the Structure and nature of work of the Agencies or Organisations, Health setting and Community
- To enable the students to know and understand the subjects or aspects covered and dealt by the agencies.
- To orient students with social work lexicon and prepare the students with requisite value orientation
Semester II |
Semester II Core Course |
SL.No |
Course/paper Title |
Code no |
Course Out Come |
1. |
Human Behaviour and Development |
201 |
- To develop an understanding of Lifespan Approach to Human Growth and Development; and
- To understand Developmental and Behavioural Theories.
2. |
Working with Communities |
202 |
- To develop an understanding of community organization as a method of social work;
- To develop capacity to understand the different aspects of community in the context of community organization; and
- To enhance understanding of models, strategies and process involved in working with communities.
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) |
3. |
Environmental Studies |
203 |
- To evaluate local, regional and global environmental issues relating to resource use & management, and explore possibilities of addressing environmental issues.
- To find solutions to different environmental issues so that the future of our planet earth will enjoy the healthy and productive environment we still have now.
Elective: Generic(GE-2) Any one of the following: |
4. |
Conflict Resolution and Peace Building |
204 |
- Understand situations of conflict, violence and conflict zones from across the world; and
- Learn to intervene from early warning to post-conflict reconstruction and restoration
5. |
Health and Social Work |
205 |
- To familiarize students with concept, nature and scope of Health and Social Work in India;
- Learn to recognize and address psycho-social, cultural, spiritual and ethical issues in health.
- To gain knowledge on health and its impact on individual and their social system
Social Work Practicum |
6. |
Concurrent Field Work – II/Viva- Voce |
206 |
- To enable the students to understand the lives of people living in communities, understand the dynamics and issues of the community and become aware of the sensitivities of people while working with them.
- To provide an opportunity to the student to learn about different kinds of problem and cases of the people and get engaged in addressing the issues.
- To identify and understand the issues, processes and agents of social change.
- To get an actual experience of the programmes and projects implemented in the communities by organization and government agencies and the impact it has in the community.
- To develop an understanding of agency’s structure, function and service delivery system.
Semester III |
Semester III Core Course |
SL.No |
Course/paper Title |
Code no |
Course Out Come |
1. |
Working with Individuals |
301 |
- To understand social case work as a method of social work.
- To develop abilities to critically analyze problems of individuals, families and factors affecting them.
- To enhance understanding of the basic concepts, tools techniques skills and process.
- To develop ability of establishing and sustaining a working relationship with the client.
2. |
Working with Groups |
302 |
- To develop understanding of group work as a method of social work.
- To develop knowledge, skills and techniques to be used by the social worker in groups.
- To understanding group as an instrument of change.
3. |
Research in Social Work |
303 |
- To understand the nature and process of research and its significance in social work
- To develop attitudes and skills appropriate for social work research
- To familiarize skills and techniques of doing qualitative and quantitative research
- To familiarize with various statistical techniques for analyzing data.
Skill Enhancement Course ( SEC-1) |
4. |
Life Skills and Personality Development |
304 |
- To help the student look into self as a person and a professional
- To enhance the personal qualities and capacities of the social work student
- To develop positive relationship skills of the student
Elective: Generic(GE-3) Any one of the following: |
5. |
Political Economy and Governance |
305 |
- To gain a background about the governance structures and its impact on the communities and development.
- To understand the policy and legal frameworks and provisions related to the various sections of the society.
- To learn how the various policy and legal structures can be used in social work
6. |
Social Entrepreneurship |
306 |
- To understand the concepts and theories of Entrepreneurship
- To recognise the qualities of entrepreneurs that contributed to their success
Social Work Practicum |
7. |
Concurrent Field Work – III/Viva- Voce |
307 |
- To provide an opportunity to the students to practice the methods of working with individuals, and groups.
- To provide an opportunity to the students to study the nature, scope, extension and magnitude of case work practices and develop the required skills to use case work and group work techniques in the tribal context of Arunachal Pradesh.
- To assist the rganization in the assignments given to them.
Semester IV |
Semester IV Core Course |
SL.No |
Course/paper Title |
Code no |
Course Out Come |
1. |
Social Action and Social Movements |
401: |
- Familiarize with the conceptual issues in defining social action and social movements.
- Acquaint students with various theoretical perspectives on social movement.
2. |
Project Cycle Management |
402: |
- To understand the need to scientific approach to human inquiry in comparison to the native or common sense approach, and promote an understanding of the meaning, nature, scope and importance of Social work research
- To develop an understanding of simple statistical tools, and learn to use them.
- To conceptualize and formulate a simple research project.
- To develop ability to use library and documentation for secondary data
3. |
Social Welfare Administration |
403: |
- To study voluntary agency administration
- To study legal aspects of social work administration
- To create awareness about the various social welfare programmes implemented
by Central & State Governments
Skill Enhancement Course ( SEC-1) |
4. |
Computer Application |
404: |
- To learn the basic computer applications that are useful for the social worker
- To learn the essential inputs for trainee social work student
Elective: Generic(GE-3) Any one of the following: |
5. |
Gender and Development |
405 |
- To develop a critical understanding of issues related to gender and development
- To develop an understanding of various laws, policies and programme for gender and development
6. |
Youth and Leadership |
406 |
- To understand youth, their needs, issues and challenges
- To critically examine the schemes and programmes for youth in the country
- To Understand social work intervention with youth
Social Work Practicum |
7. |
Concurrent Field Work – IV/Viva- Voce |
407 |
- Learn to mobilize clients/beneficiaries to utilize the services provided by the agency.
- Coordinate the services provided by governmental and non-governmental organizations in meeting the additional needs of the clients/beneficiaries.
- Learn to apply theoretical base i.e. Principles, approaches and skills of social work while working in the field.
- Develop ability to assess own performance and improve it accordingly.
- Develop capacity to prepare process/method-oriented records.
Rural /Village Camp
- To make the students understand the rural social system and community living
- To bridge the gap between higher education and concerns of village community through rural camp.
- To assist the students in learning through the experiences in group living so as to develop their social responsibility.
Rural/Village Camp is integral part of concurrent field work conducted where the social work trainees together with accompanying faculty members of the department spends 10 consecutive days in any identified village. The objectives are to make the trainee Social Workers to experience group planning and living and initiate them to social engagement in the community applying the principles and methods of Social Work. During this camp, the students would be encouraged to organize and carry out programs for social awakening like Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Street Plays, Awareness Programs, Social Analysis, and Cultural Fests.
The students are to maintain their diary and submit it to the field work supervisor. At the end of the semester the student submits a summary report for the semester and viva-voce is conducted.
Semester V |
Semester V Core Course |
SL.No |
Course/paper Title |
Code no |
Course Out Come |
1 |
Social Policy and Legislation |
501 |
- To understand the concept, process, indicators and determinants with respect to social development.
- To develop capacity to formulate strategies necessary for social development.
2 |
Integrated Social Work Practice |
502: |
- To appreciate need for integrated social work practice approach.
- To develop competencies in integrated social work practice.
Elective: Discipline Specific (DSE-1) Any one of the following: |
3 |
Research Project Part-A |
503: |
- To select research topic
- To commence doing a research project
- To read extensively on the research topic.
4 |
Social Work with Older Persons |
504: |
- To Understand the needs of the Older Person from a holistic perspective
- To develop an understanding of challenges faced by older persons
- To examine the scope of Social Work Intervention with older persons
Elective: Discipline Specific (DSE-2) Any one of the following: |
5 |
Disability Social Work |
505: |
- To equip the students with the basic concepts related to disability.
- To help the students become sensitive to disability
- To understand the policies and programmes for people with disability(PWDs)
6 |
Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare |
506 |
- To promote theory-driven practice on approaches to Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare
- To develop the knowledge of Grievance Redressal and Collective Bargaining
- To build understanding on social security legislations in Industrial settings
- To appreciate scope and application of social work methods in industry and labour welfare
Social Work Practicum |
7 |
Block Field Work / Viva-Voce |
507: |
- To Give exposure to the students to various fields of social work both in Rural and urban settings.
- To learn the functioning pattern of grassroots agency and decentralized governance.
- To develop sensitivity towards the issues related to social justice and human rights for marginalized groups.
- To develop ability to critically analyze the service delivery system of agency, problems and issues in execution.
- To develop ability to plan, organize and implement the activities within agency/community framework.
Semester VI |
Semester VI Core Course |
SL.No |
Course/paper Title |
Code no |
Course Out Come |
1 |
Tribal Social Work |
601 |
- To gain understanding into the tribal communities and their social systems
- To gain information on the overall understanding about the socio-economic situation of the tribal communities with special emphasis on the tribal communities in the North Eastern states of India
- To review the development programmes and their impact on the life of the tribal communities
2 |
Working with Substance Dependents |
602 |
- To gain knowledge on Substance Abuse and its impact on Individual and their social system
- To understand the existing strategies for the prevention and control of substance abuse
- To develop an understanding of social work intervention in providing care and support
Elective: Discipline Specific (DSE-3) Any one of the following: |
3 |
Research Project Part-B |
603 |
- To continue with the research
- To go for data collection
- To complete the research
4 |
Family Centred Social Work |
604 |
- To understand the changing trends in families and understand the scope for Family- centered Practice
- To develop an understanding of structures, the problems, dynamics and issues for effective intervention
Elective: Discipline Specific (DSE-4) Any one of the following: |
5 |
Social Work and Disaster Management |
605 |
- To understand ecosystem equilibrium and disequilibrium
- To develop skills to analyze factors contributing to disaster
- To develop an understanding of the process of disaster-management
- To develop an understanding of the social worker’s role in the team for disaster management
6 |
Social Work with Children and Youth |
606 |
- To acquaint students to the complexities and multifaceted issues and problems of youth
- To discuss problems and need of youth
- To understand social work intervention with youth
Social Work Practicum |
7 |
Block Field Work/Viva-Voce |
607 |
- To develop ability to effect changes in improving service delivery by introducing innovations in practice.
- To understand the vision, mission, objectives and strategies.
- To improve skills in communication and networking with other organizations.